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Donkey-anti-Mouse IgG (H L)*

簡要描述:Donkey-anti-Mouse IgG (H L)*
(EMS Cryo-Sem制備系統,石墨烯 - 有史以來zui強的材料,LatticeAx切割系統,夜間熒光觀察系統和EMS冷凍替代套件等)。我們使用新媒體進行交流的方式也在不斷發展(EMS現在在Facebook,Twitter和YouTube上)。

  • 產品型號:25810
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2019-05-10
  • 訪  問  量:942

Donkey-anti-Mouse IgG (H L)*


Donkey-anti-Mouse IgG (H&L)

 Particle SizeCat. #ml Price Cat. #ml Price 
4-8°CUltraSmall258101.5410.00Add to Cart25811.6234.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 6nm258122.5410.00Add to Cart258131.0234.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 10nm258142.5410.00Add to Cart258151.0234.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 15nm258163.5410.00Add to Cart258171.4234.00Add to Cart
4-8°CEM-grade 25nm258183.5410.00Add to Cart258191.4234.00Add to Cart


Donkey-anti-Mouse IgG (H L)*


Donkey Conjugate Line

In many cases double labeling experiments are based on using two primary antibodies from different animal species, for instance mouse and rabbit. Of late, we have noticed an increasing number of users that have primary antibodies developed in goat. It is impossible to perform a double labeling experiment in combination with, for instance a mouse primary antibody, since applicable secondary antibodies are either raised in rabbit or goat. Hence the Goat-anti-Mouse would be recognized by the Rabbit-anti-Goat, and it would be impossible to get reliable results. In the past, only using directly labeled primary antibodies would solve this. This would require researchers to go through the lengthy procedure of preparing such conjugates and even then with limited success.

To overcome this difficulty we are proud to release the Aurion Series of Secondary ImmunoGold conjugates based on antibodies raised in Donkey, including Donkey-anti-Goat. It is then known that mixing Donkey-anti-Goat and Donkey-anti-Mouse provides a successful solution to the above mentioned case.

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