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AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨

簡要描述:AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨
Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography.

  • 產品型號:109-005-098
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2018-03-06
  • 訪  問  量:891

AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨

用免疫親和層析法從抗血清中分離出完整的IgG抗體。它們有一個FC部分和兩個抗原結合的Fab部分,由二硫鍵連接在一起,因此它們是二價的。平均分子量約為160 kDa。抗體的整體IgG形式適用于大多數免疫檢測程序,是有效的。



Whole IgG antibodies are isolated as intact molecules from antisera by immunoaffinity chromatography. They have an Fc portion and two antigen binding Fab portions joined together by disulfide bonds and therefore they are divalent. The average molecular weight is reported to be about 160 kDa. The whole IgG form of antibodies is suitable for the majority of immunodetection procedures and is the most cost effective.

Based on immunoelectrophoresis and/or ELISA, the antibody reacts with the Fc portion of human IgG heavy chain but not with the Fab portion of human IgG. No antibody was detected against human IgM or IgA, or against non-immunoglobulin serum proteins. The antibody has been tested by ELISA and/or solid-phase adsorbed to ensure minimal cross-reaction with bovine, horse and mouse serum proteins, but it may cross-react with immunoglobulins from other species.

用免疫親和層析法從抗血清中分離出完整的IgG抗體。它們有一個FC部分和兩個抗原結合的Fab部分,由二硫鍵連接在一起,因此它們是二價的。平均分子量約為160 kDa??贵w的整體IgG形式適用于大多數免疫檢測程序,是有效的。


AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨

AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨

AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨

AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨

AffiniPure Goat jackson現貨


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