
首頁 >> 產品展示 >> 儀器 >> ABI PCR儀 >> 7500 Fast DxABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406985/現貨


簡要描述:ABI/7500Fast實時定量PCR儀/4406985/現貨The Applied Biosystems® 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with SDS Software is a real-time nucleic acid amplification and five-color fluorescence detection system av

  • 產品型號:7500 Fast Dx
  • 廠商性質:經銷商
  • 更新時間:2018-01-05
  • 訪  問  量:1661






Calibrated Dye:Cy3, Cy5, FAM, JOE, NED, ROX, SYBR Green, TAMRA, Texas Red, VIC
Capacity:1 x 96-well plate (Fast), 12 x 8-tube strips
Dimensions:34 cm (13.39 in) (W) x 49 cm (19.29 in) (H) x 45 cm (17.72 in) (D)
Dynamic Range:9 logs of linear dynamic range
External Computer:Computer tower provided
For Use With (Equipment):7500 Fast Dx System
Format:8-well strips, 96-well plate
Optics:CCD Camera, Five excitation and five emission filters, Halogen light source
Passive Reference Dye:Other Passive Reference Dye, ROX (Pre-mixed), ROX (Separate Tube)
Peak Block Ramp Rate:5.5°C⁄sec
Precision:Distinguish between 5,000–10,000 genome equivalents (two-fold copy number difference) with 99.7% confidence
Product Size:1 system
Reaction Speed:Fast, Standard
Reaction Volume Range:10-30 µl
Run Time:<2 hrs (Standard), 36 min (Fast)
Sample Ramp Rate:Fast mode: ± 3.5°C⁄sec, Standard mode: ± 1.6°C⁄sec
Sensitivity:Down to 1 copy of human RNAse P gene
Temperature Accuracy:±0.5°C
Temperature Range (Metric):4.0-99.9 °C
Temperature Uniformity:±1°C
Thermal Cycling System:Peltier-Based System
Throughput:4 to 5 96-well plates per day

34 kg (75 lb)




The Applied Biosystems® 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with SDS Software is a real-time nucleic acid amplification and five-color fluorescence detection system available for in vitro diagnostic use. The 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument delivers the performance required for high-quality results in a 96-well format.

• 96-well format eases plate setup if automation is not available
• Accommodates tube strips, which can be capped immediay after pipetting each sample
• Fast mode completes runs in less than forty minutes
• Optional standard mode facilitates use of standard length real-time PCR assays without changing thermal cycling parameters
• 5-color variable excitation enables multiplex assays

Convenient 96-well Format
The 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument minimizes the effort required to perform sample setup while also allowing the use of tube strips.

Intuitive Software to Run Pre-optimized Protocols
The 7500 Fast Dx instrument's Sequence Detection Software Security, Auditing, and E-Signature module offers the flexibility to develop assays and also run pre-optimized protocols for users operating in a secure environment.

Instrument Service and Support
The 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument is supported by our AB Assurance Service Plan for Diagnostics, which includes:
• Instrument Installation Qualification, Operation Qualification, and Performance Qualification (IQ⁄OQ⁄PQ)
• Spectral calibration and software setup
• Emergency repair, including parts and labor, and OQ⁄PQ after any major part change
• Planned maintenance every 12 months

Europe: For in vitro Diagnostic Use. The 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument meets the requirements of the in vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (98⁄79⁄EC). The CE IVD-registered 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument is for distribution and use in specific European countries only.

USA: For in vitro Diagnostic Use. The 7500 Fast Dx Real-Time PCR instrument is 510(k)-cleared (K082562). The customer is responsible for any validation of assays and compliance with any regulatory requirements that pertain to their procedures and instrument use.



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Thermofisher旗下Gibco培養系列、ABI細胞計數儀及PCR儀、Invitrogen分子生物學試劑及Qubit3.0AmbionRNA相關試劑、Molecular probes試劑、Pierce蛋白相關試劑盒、Nanodrop One/OneCParafilm封口膜;Viskase透析袋;Sigma-Aldrich試劑;AccuStandard 標準品;Millipore抗體;Glen Research 核酸合成試劑;Bio-Rad電泳儀及PCR儀;NanocsPEG聚合物;  Chromotek羊駝抗體;   Polysciences轉染試劑;  Echelon-inc 脂類研究試劑盒;   R&D Systems抗體及Elisa試劑盒; Jackson二抗及封閉血清; Biotium 熒光染料;NEB內切酶及NGS相關產品;  Athens Research & Technology人類蛋白及抗血清;  Illumina二代測試試劑盒; Tocris 小分子試劑; TwistDx恒溫擴增試劑盒(RPA); Enzymatics二代測序酶;Novus抗體及Elisa試劑盒;AG scientific潮霉素BG-418Plantmedia植物培養系列及抗體;Agilent 2100生物分析儀;Biolog耗材;BiomatikElisa試劑盒;Covaris基因打斷儀;CST抗體;DharmaconsiRNA產品。

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